Saturday, 26 February 2011

Artsy Crafts - OMG!!!

Well, yesterday was the big day and boy was it worth the wait!!! 2 fantastic classes with fantastic projects and teachers! I can't wait for the next 1!!


  1. OOoooo blimey I am loving it!!!! Fab makes you have here! How cool was it to be there,,, you lucky un you!! :)) Love the little boxes with trinkits in very nice!

  2. Hey Rachael, so pleased I found you LOL!
    Your pictures are fab... but you never showed the back of your configurations box... tee hee!
    Hope you are well, BiG HuGs Kim :)

  3. Hey Rachael!
    Thanks for your comments on my blog, always good to get feedback. I do love the Green colourway on your first project. Our shadows boxes didnt turn out too bad did they?!
    Keep in touch sweet cheeks xx

  4. Hi Rachel
    Thank you for visiting ;) That was an amazing day, wasn't it? Your projects look fab and it was very nice to meet you! I hope you are enjoying your giveaway pressie ;)
    Hugs, Joanna x ;)

  5. These are SO adorable! I love your blog!


Hi everyone, thanks for stopping by and leaving me a message! Hope you all have a wonderful day. Rach xxx