Wednesday, 2 February 2011


Hi all woyww-ers, yippee - I actually seem to have time to join in today LOL.
My desk has moved again - into my bedroom this time. This seems to be the only place I get any peace 9which is definately helping the mojo).
On my desk today are a some wooden birds and butterflies to complete the box project (previous post). After I did the 1st couple of these, I liked them so much I decided to do a whole pile, which when added to some beads, will become a mobile.
Also there on the desk is a couple of gorgeous, bargain necklaces I got in the sales, which I will be taking apart and using in projects.
At the back left of the desk is my 2nd favourite buy of the week - after the necklaces -
a lovely stack of little storage boxes from Staples £9.99 for 20 - in pretty colours too FAB!!


  1. gorjuss birds hun, hope you get lots more peace here

    thanks for the snoop
    judie 58

  2. Lovely neckless, great idea for projects. Love the bird and butterfly images, hope to see the finished creation! Carolxx

  3. Great neclaces, i love to recycle jewellery and use it on my projects too. happy woyww, thanks for sharing :)
    crafty hugs - Andria (42).

  4. Those necklaces are a real find. Why do I never find things that good? I hope you will show us the mobiles too.

  5. beautiful necklaces, great workspace, happy woyww, thank you for sharing, #9

  6. Will love to see what you do with your necklaces - they are lovely.

  7. beautiful necklaces. I can see a lot of possibilities recycling those in to other projects. I love summer garage sales to stock up on fun stuff. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #80

  8. Great necklaces!! Lots of possibilities with those! Star 125

  9. Gorgeous necklaces, Thanks for the peek and sharing, hugs Marjo lucky #1

  10. Thanks for the peek, Love your butterfly necklaces.
    Keep smiling and creating


Hi everyone, thanks for stopping by and leaving me a message! Hope you all have a wonderful day. Rach xxx